Get Involved
BABSOC Recruitment Drive
If you’re interested in joining BABSOC and shaping the way the club is run, helping plan and coordinate future events, and impacting student life at UNSW – we would love to hear from you! You can ask us about the responsibilities of each position and subcommittee, feel free to contact us at Check out the Facebook post for more information, the Google form for sign up and click going to let us know you’re interested!
Peer Mentoring
BABSOC’s Mentoring Program is designed to connect BABS students in different stages of their degrees together. The program offers opportunities to form strong study and social groups in the School of BABS. Mentors and mentees will be paired or grouped based on degree/major, career goals, interests and personal preferences for the program. Check out the Facebook post for more information and links to sign up as a mentor or a mentee!
Mentor applications close on the 31st of January.